
Topics about Life and Technology

Licensed by CC-BY-SA 4.0


  1. 从命令行和环境变量解析入参 (# flags.go)
  2. 尝试与 Kubernetes API Server 建立连接 (# func createApiserverClient)
  3. 与 Kong Admin API 通信 (# func kong.NewClient)
  4. 创建监听资源变化的 Informer
  5. 创建资源锁竞争选举 Leader (# election.go)
  6. 队列定时执行同步函数


1. 目录结构

│   └───ingress-controller
│           flags.go                 // 参数解析
│           main.go
│           util.go
│           version.go
│   ├───admission                   // Validation Admission Webhook 相关
│   │
│   └───ingress
│       ├───annotations
│       │       annotations.go      // 解析注解
│       │       annotations_test.go
│       │
│       ├───controller
│       │   │   controller.go
│       │   │   event_handler.go    // ResourceEventHandler
│       │   │   kong.go             // Kong 相关函数
│       │   │
│       │   └───parser
│       │           parser.go       // Store 转换为 Kong Store 函数
│       │
│       ├───election
│       │       election.go         // 选举
│       │
│       ├───store
│       │       store.go            // 封装 Store
│       │
│       ├───task
│       │       queue.go            // 封装队列
│       │
│       └───utils               // 工具类
│               k8s.go
│               reports.go      // 匿名上报
│               types.go
    │   └───configuration // 序列化 JSON 结构定义
        └───configuration // CRD Model 定义

2. 核心代码块

2.1 创建 Informer

  • k8s 原生资源通过 client-go 包提供的 Informer 监听变化;
  • CRD 资源通过封装在 pkg 目录下封装的 Informer 监听变化。
    // k8s 原生资源 Informer
    coreInformerFactory := informers.NewSharedInformerFactoryWithOptions(
        cliConfig.SyncPeriod, //时间间隔
    // CRD 自定义资源 Informer
    kongInformerFactory := configinformer.NewSharedInformerFactoryWithOptions(
    // Informer 被添加回调函数处理 Event 

	stopCh := make(chan struct{})
	for _, informer := range informers {
        // 协程执行 Informer
		go informer.Run(stopCh)
		synced = append(synced, informer.HasSynced)

SyncPeriod 最小限制为 10 秒,默认监听所有 Namespace。

下面来看 Informer 返回的 Event 处理部分:

	// 创建接收 Event 的通道
	updateChannel := channels.NewRingChannel(1024)
    // Informer 回调 Handler
	reh := controller.ResourceEventHandler{
		UpdateCh:           updateChannel,
		IsValidIngresClass: annotations.IngressClassValidatorFunc(cliConfig.IngressClass),
        // 根据 ingress-class 注解过滤资源对象

    // 主进程中接收通道信号,并压入队列定时处理
	for {
		select {
		case event := <-n.updateCh.Out():
			if v := atomic.LoadUint32(&n.isShuttingDown); v != 0 {
			if evt, ok := event.(Event); ok {
				glog.V(3).Infof("Event %v received - object %v", evt.Type, evt.Obj)
                // 加入定时执行同步函数的队列
				// TODO retry for ephermal error conditions
				// This function is called outside the task queue because event
				// information is currently shielded from the sync function.
				// Sync function syncs everything, no matter what the event is
				err := n.handleBasicAuthUpdates(evt)
				if err != nil {
					glog.Errorf("error handling basic-auth update: %v", err)
			} else {
				glog.Warningf("unexpected event type received: %T", event)
		case <-n.stopCh:

2.2 创建资源锁竞争选举

Controller 可以部署分布式多实例,为了避免重复对 Admin API 进行操作,导致混乱,程序在启动阶段通过 k8s ConfigMap 资源锁进行选举 Leader。


  • 创建 ConfigMapLock,基于 etcd 幂等性只有一个程序获得资源
  • 抢到锁的实例定时 renew 续期
  • 其他实例根据最后续期时间判断锁是否有效,否则竞争创建锁
// NewElector returns an instance of Elector based on config.
func NewElector(config Config) Elector {
	pod, err := utils.GetPodDetails(config.Client)
	if err != nil {
		glog.Fatalf("unexpected error obtaining pod information: %v", err)

	es := elector{
		Config: config,

	broadcaster := record.NewBroadcaster()
	hostname, _ := os.Hostname()

	recorder := broadcaster.NewRecorder(scheme.Scheme, apiv1.EventSource{
		Component: "ingress-leader-elector",
		Host:      hostname,

    // 定义 ConfigMapLock 资源锁结构
	lock := resourcelock.ConfigMapLock{
		ConfigMapMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{Namespace: pod.Namespace,
			Name: config.ElectionID},
		Client: config.Client.CoreV1(),
		LockConfig: resourcelock.ResourceLockConfig{
			Identity:      pod.Name,
			EventRecorder: recorder,

	ttl := 30 * time.Second
    // 调用 client-go leaderelection 包进行选举
	le, err := leaderelection.NewLeaderElector(
			Lock:            &lock,
			LeaseDuration:   ttl,      // 锁有效时间
			RenewDeadline:   ttl / 2,  // 续期间隔
			RetryPeriod:     ttl / 4,
			Callbacks:       config.Callbacks,
			ReleaseOnCancel: true,

	if err != nil {
		glog.Fatalf("unexpected error starting leader election: %v", err)

    // 储存选举信息
	es.elector = le
	return es


    // 在执行同步函数开始时判断,非 Leader 直接退出
	// If in-memory mode, each Kong instance runs with its own controller
	if !n.cfg.Kong.InMemory &&
		!n.elector.IsLeader() {
		glog.V(2).Infof("skipping synchronization of configuration because I am not the leader.")
		return nil

2.3 队列执行同步函数

2.3.1 创建队列

queue.go 文件里定义了队列结构体和运行函数,内部使用 client-go workqueue 包,队列配置有 RateLimit,避免频繁对 Admin API 进行操作。

来看一下 Queue 结构体定义。

type Queue struct {
    // 库
	// queue is the work queue the worker polls
	queue workqueue.RateLimitingInterface
	// sync is called for each item in the queue
	sync func(interface{}) error
	// workerDone is closed when the worker exits
	workerDone chan bool

    // queue 元素 Key 生成函数
	fn func(obj interface{}) (interface{}, error)

	lastSync int64

// queue 中包含的结构体
// Element represents one item of the queue
type Element struct {
	Key       interface{}
	Timestamp int64

fn() 使用 DeletionHandlingMetaNamespaceKeyFunc 函数生成 API 资源的 Key,该函数会返回删除资源的 Key 或 namespace/name 格式的 Key。


// worker processes work in the queue through sync.
func (t *Queue) worker() {
   for {
      key, quit := t.queue.Get()
      if quit {
         if !isClosed(t.workerDone) {
      ts := time.Now().UnixNano()

      // 判断队列内事件是否有效
      item := key.(Element)
      if t.lastSync > item.Timestamp {
         glog.V(3).Infof("skipping %v sync (%v > %v)", item.Key, t.lastSync, item.Timestamp)

      glog.V(3).Infof("syncing %v", item.Key)
      // 对每个队列内元素执行 sync 函数
      if err := t.sync(key); err != nil {
         glog.Warningf("requeuing %v, err %v", item.Key, err)
         // 执行错误,限速
            Key:       item.Key,
            Timestamp: time.Now().UnixNano(),
      } else {
         // 执行成功
         t.lastSync = ts

2.3.2 解析资源

parser.goBuild() 方法解析 k8s 内资源到自定义资源格式,主要职责为格式转换和将多个数据源的数据进行组合,生成期望的数据格式。

// Build creates a Kong configuration from Ingress and Custom resources
// defined in Kuberentes.
// It throws an error if there is an error returned from client-go.
func (p *Parser) Build() (*KongState, error) {
	var state KongState
	ings :=
	tcpIngresses, err :=
	if err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("error listing TCPIngresses: %v", err)
	// 解析、合并 Ingress、和自定义 TCPIngress 资源
    // 生成 Service 和 Route
	parsedInfo := p.parseIngressRules(ings, tcpIngresses)

    // 关联 k8s Service 资源
    // populate Kubernetes Service
	for key, service := range parsedInfo.ServiceNameToServices {
        // 通过 client-go Storer 获取 Service
		k8sSvc, err :=, service.Backend.Name)
		if err != nil {
			glog.Errorf("getting service: %v", err)
		if k8sSvc != nil {
            // 获取到 Service 则关联
			service.K8sService = *k8sSvc
		parsedInfo.ServiceNameToServices[key] = service
	// add the routes and services to the state
	for _, service := range parsedInfo.ServiceNameToServices {
		state.Services = append(state.Services, service)

	// 生成 Upstream 和 Target
	state.Upstreams = p.getUpstreams(parsedInfo.ServiceNameToServices)

    // 生成其他资源
	// generate consumers and credentials

	// process annotation plugins
	state.Plugins = p.fillPlugins(state)

	// generate Certificates and SNIs
	state.Certificates = p.getCerts(parsedInfo.SecretNameToSNIs)

	// populate CA certificates in Kong
	state.CACertificates, err = p.getCACerts()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return &state, nil
} 资源结构定义

Controller 定义了一些结构体储存 k8s 资源和 Kong 对应的资源。

// KongState holds the configuration that should be applied to Kong.
type KongState struct {
   Services       []Service
   Upstreams      []Upstream
   Certificates   []Certificate
   CACertificates []kong.CACertificate
   Plugins        []Plugin
   Consumers      []Consumer

// Service represents a service in Kong and holds routes associated with the
// service and other k8s metadata.
type Service struct {
	Backend    backend
	Namespace  string
	Routes     []Route
	Plugins    []kong.Plugin
	K8sService corev1.Service

// Route represents a Kong Route and holds a reference to the Ingress
// rule.
type Route struct {

	// Ingress object associated with this route
	Ingress networking.Ingress
	// TCPIngress object associated with this route
	TCPIngress configurationv1beta1.TCPIngress
	// Is this route coming from TCPIngress or networking.Ingress?
	IsTCP   bool
	Plugins []kong.Plugin

结构体包含了 k8s 自身资源的信息,和解析到 Kong 资源格式的对应信息。 解析 Ingress

该方法的职能为排序去重 Ingress 规则,合并 TCPIngress 规则,创建

func (p *Parser) parseIngressRules(
   // k8s Ingress 资源
   ingressList []*networking.Ingress,
   // 自定义 TCPIngress 资源
   tcpIngressList []*configurationv1beta1.TCPIngress) *parsedIngressRules {

   // 按照时间排序
   sort.SliceStable(ingressList, func(i, j int) bool {
      return ingressList[i].CreationTimestamp.Before(

   sort.SliceStable(tcpIngressList, func(i, j int) bool {
      return tcpIngressList[i].CreationTimestamp.Before(

   // generate the following:
   // Services and Routes
   var allDefaultBackends []networking.Ingress
   secretNameToSNIs := make(map[string][]string)
   serviceNameToServices := make(map[string]Service)

   for i := 0; i < len(ingressList); i++ {
      ingress := *ingressList[i]
      ingressSpec := ingress.Spec

      if ingressSpec.Backend != nil {
         allDefaultBackends = append(allDefaultBackends, ingress)


      processTLSSections(ingressSpec.TLS, ingress.Namespace, secretNameToSNIs)

      for i, rule := range ingressSpec.Rules {
         host := rule.Host
         if rule.HTTP == nil {
         for j, rule := range rule.HTTP.Paths {
            path := rule.Path

            if strings.Contains(path, "//") {
               glog.Errorf("ingress rule skipped in Ingress'%v/%v', "+
                  "'%v' is an invalid path", ingress.Namespace,
                  ingress.Name, path)
            if path == "" {
               path = "/"
            // 创建 Route 结构体
            r := Route{
               Ingress: ingress,
               Route: kong.Route{
                  // TODO Figure out a way to name the routes
                  // This is not a stable scheme
                  // 1. If a user adds a route in the middle,
                  // due to a shift, all the following routes will
                  // be PATCHED
                  // 2. Is it guaranteed that the order is stable?
                  // Meaning, the routes will always appear in the same
                  // order?
                  Name:          kong.String(ingress.Namespace + "." + ingress.Name + "." + strconv.Itoa(i) + strconv.Itoa(j)),
                  Paths:         kong.StringSlice(path),
                  StripPath:     kong.Bool(false),
                  PreserveHost:  kong.Bool(true),
                  Protocols:     kong.StringSlice("http", "https"),
                  RegexPriority: kong.Int(0),
            if host != "" {
               // Route 域名地址
               r.Hosts = kong.StringSlice(host)

            // 创建 Service 结构体
            serviceName := ingress.Namespace + "." +
               rule.Backend.ServiceName + "." +
            service, ok := serviceNameToServices[serviceName]
            if !ok {
               service = Service{
                  // Kong 的 Service 对象
                  Service: kong.Service{
                     Name: kong.String(serviceName),
                     // Upstream 地址,后续创建 Upstream 使用相同地址
                     Host: kong.String(rule.Backend.ServiceName +
                        "." + ingress.Namespace + "." +
                        rule.Backend.ServicePort.String() + ".svc"),
                     Port:           kong.Int(80),
                     Protocol:       kong.String("http"),
                     Path:           kong.String("/"),
                     ConnectTimeout: kong.Int(60000),
                     ReadTimeout:    kong.Int(60000),
                     WriteTimeout:   kong.Int(60000),
                     Retries:        kong.Int(5),
                  Namespace: ingress.Namespace,
                  Backend: backend{
                     Name: rule.Backend.ServiceName,
                     Port: rule.Backend.ServicePort,
            // 关联 Service 与 Route
            service.Routes = append(service.Routes, r)
            serviceNameToServices[serviceName] = service

   return &parsedIngressRules{
      SecretNameToSNIs:      secretNameToSNIs,
      ServiceNameToServices: serviceNameToServices,
} 解析 Endpoints

生成 Upstream 结构体:

func (p *Parser) getUpstreams(serviceMap map[string]Service) []Upstream {
	var upstreams []Upstream
	for _, service := range serviceMap {
        // 这里的 Upstream 名称与 Service 里的 Host 地址一致
		upstreamName := service.Backend.Name + "." + service.Namespace + "." + service.Backend.Port.String() + ".svc"
		upstream := Upstream{
			Upstream: kong.Upstream{
				Name: kong.String(upstreamName),
			Service: service,
        // 获取 Targets
		targets := p.getServiceEndpoints(service.K8sService,
		upstream.Targets = targets
		upstreams = append(upstreams, upstream)
	return upstreams

获取 Endpoint 生成 Target 结构体:

// 接收 k8s Service 和 Ingress.Backend.ServicePort 参数
func (p *Parser) getServiceEndpoints(svc corev1.Service,
   backendPort string) []Target {
   var targets []Target
   var endpoints []utils.Endpoint
   var servicePort corev1.ServicePort
   svcKey := svc.Namespace + "/" + svc.Name

   for _, port := range svc.Spec.Ports {
      // 查找 Ingress.Backend.ServicePort 和 Service.Port 对应的部分
      // 获取 Port 资源对象
      // targetPort could be a string, use the name or the port (int)
      if strconv.Itoa(int(port.Port)) == backendPort ||
         port.TargetPort.String() == backendPort ||
         port.Name == backendPort {
         servicePort = port

   // Ingress with an ExternalName service and no port defined in the service.
   if len(svc.Spec.Ports) == 0 &&
      svc.Spec.Type == corev1.ServiceTypeExternalName {
      // nolint: gosec
      externalPort, err := strconv.Atoi(backendPort)
      if err != nil {
         glog.Warningf("only numeric ports are allowed in"+
            " ExternalName services: %v is not valid as a TCP/UDP port",
         return targets

      servicePort = corev1.ServicePort{
         Protocol:   "TCP",
         Port:       int32(externalPort),
         TargetPort: intstr.FromString(backendPort),

   // 获取 Endpoint
   endpoints = getEndpoints(&svc, &servicePort,
   if len(endpoints) == 0 {
      glog.Warningf("service %v does not have any active endpoints",
   for _, endpoint := range endpoints {
      target := Target{
         Target: kong.Target{
            Target: kong.String(endpoint.Address + ":" + endpoint.Port),
      targets = append(targets, target)
   return targets
} 方法是 Storer 获取 Endpoint 的方法,Endpoints 结构体:

// +genclient

// Endpoints is a collection of endpoints that implement the actual service. Example:
//   Name: "mysvc",
//   Subsets: [
//     {
//       Addresses: [{"ip": ""}, {"ip": ""}],
//       Ports: [{"name": "a", "port": 8675}, {"name": "b", "port": 309}]
//     },
//     {
//       Addresses: [{"ip": ""}],
//       Ports: [{"name": "a", "port": 93}, {"name": "b", "port": 76}]
//     },
//  ]
type Endpoints struct {
   metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
   // Standard object's metadata.
   // More info:
   // +optional
   metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty" protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=metadata"`

   // The set of all endpoints is the union of all subsets. Addresses are placed into
   // subsets according to the IPs they share. A single address with multiple ports,
   // some of which are ready and some of which are not (because they come from
   // different containers) will result in the address being displayed in different
   // subsets for the different ports. No address will appear in both Addresses and
   // NotReadyAddresses in the same subset.
   // Sets of addresses and ports that comprise a service.
   // +optional
   Subsets []EndpointSubset `json:"subsets,omitempty" protobuf:"bytes,2,rep,name=subsets"`

继续看获取 Endpoint 的方法:

// getEndpoints returns a list of <endpoint ip>:<port> for a given service/target port combination.
func getEndpoints(
   s *corev1.Service,
   port *corev1.ServicePort,
   proto corev1.Protocol,
   getEndpoints func(string, string) (*corev1.Endpoints, error),
) []utils.Endpoint {

   upsServers := []utils.Endpoint{}

   if s == nil || port == nil {
      return upsServers

   // avoid duplicated upstream servers when the service
   // contains multiple port definitions sharing the same
   // targetport.
   adus := make(map[string]bool)

   // 外部服务
   // ExternalName services
   if s.Spec.Type == corev1.ServiceTypeExternalName {
      glog.V(3).Infof("Ingress using a service %v of type=ExternalName", s.Name)

      targetPort := port.TargetPort.IntValue()
      // check for invalid port value
      if targetPort <= 0 {
         glog.Errorf("ExternalName service with an invalid port: %v", targetPort)
         return upsServers

      return append(upsServers, utils.Endpoint{
         Address: s.Spec.ExternalName,
         Port:    fmt.Sprintf("%v", targetPort),
   // 解析 Service 的 注解
   // 为 "true" 则交给 Kube-proxy 执行后续负载均衡操作
   if annotations.HasServiceUpstreamAnnotation(s.Annotations) {
      return append(upsServers, utils.Endpoint{
         Address: s.Name + "." + s.Namespace + ".svc",
         Port:    fmt.Sprintf("%v", port.Port),


   glog.V(3).Infof("getting endpoints for service %v/%v and port %v", s.Namespace, s.Name, port.String())
   // 调用 client-go Storer 获取 Service 的 Endpoints
   ep, err := getEndpoints(s.Namespace, s.Name)
   if err != nil {
      glog.Warningf("unexpected error obtaining service endpoints: %v", err)
      return upsServers

   for _, ss := range ep.Subsets {
      for _, epPort := range ss.Ports {

         // 不是 TCP 协议的 pass
         if !reflect.DeepEqual(epPort.Protocol, proto) {

         var targetPort int32

         if port.Name == "" {
            // port.Name is optional if there is only one port
            targetPort = epPort.Port
         } else if port.Name == epPort.Name {
            targetPort = epPort.Port

         // check for invalid port value
         if targetPort <= 0 {

         for _, epAddress := range ss.Addresses {
            ep := fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", epAddress.IP, targetPort)
            // 如果有多个 Port 对应同一个 targetPort,
            // 则跳过,不重复创建
            if _, exists := adus[ep]; exists {
            ups := utils.Endpoint{
               Address: epAddress.IP,
               Port:    fmt.Sprintf("%v", targetPort),
            upsServers = append(upsServers, ups)
            adus[ep] = true

   glog.V(3).Infof("endpoints found: %v", upsServers)
   return upsServers
2.3.3 同步资源

syncIngress() 方法中在解析完资源,生成 Kong 需要的数据结构后,调用 n.OnUpdate(state) 方法 Diff、Sync 到 Kong。

// 接收生成好的 Kong 数据库结构体,作为参数
// OnUpdate is called periodically by syncQueue to keep the configuration in sync.
// returning nil implies the synchronization finished correctly.
// Returning an error means requeue the update.
func (n *KongController) OnUpdate(state *parser.KongState) error {
	// 调用 decK 库进行处理
    targetContent := n.toDeckContent(state)

	var customEntities []byte
	var err error

	var shaSum []byte
	// disable optimization if reverse sync is enabled
	if !n.cfg.EnableReverseSync {
        // 生成 Hash 判断本次数据结构体和上次执行是否一致,
        // 一致则不进行更新
		shaSum, err = generateSHA(targetContent, customEntities)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		if reflect.DeepEqual(n.runningConfigHash, shaSum) {
			glog.Info("no configuration change, skipping sync to Kong")
			return nil
    // 调用 DB 更新函数
	err = n.onUpdateDBMode(targetContent)
	if err != nil {
		return err
    // 记录本次操作的数据结构体 Hash
	n.runningConfigHash = shaSum
	glog.Info("successfully synced configuration to Kong")
	return nil

这里引入了 Kong/decK 库处理 Kong 配置的同步,该库使用 Go 编写,提供了针对 Kong 配置的管理能力,能够导出 Kong 数据库配置到文件,也能从文件导入到 Kong,提供 Diff 和 Sync 等方法,内部使用多协程,算法优化提升执行速度。能够单独通过 CLI 使用,这里调用该库的 Diff 和 Sync 方法同步配置到 Kong。

n.toDeckContent(state) 方法将 KongState 结构转换为 decK 库使用的数据结构(一个文件序列化结构体)。

// Content represents a serialized Kong state.
type Content struct {
   FormatVersion string `json:"_format_version,omitempty" yaml:"_format_version,omitempty"`
   Info          *Info  `json:"_info,omitempty" yaml:"_info,omitempty"`
   Workspace     string `json:"_workspace,omitempty" yaml:"_workspace,omitempty"`

   Services       []FService       `json:"services,omitempty" yaml:",omitempty"`
   Routes         []FRoute         `json:"routes,omitempty" yaml:",omitempty"`
   Consumers      []FConsumer      `json:"consumers,omitempty" yaml:",omitempty"`
   Plugins        []FPlugin        `json:"plugins,omitempty" yaml:",omitempty"`
   Upstreams      []FUpstream      `json:"upstreams,omitempty" yaml:",omitempty"`
   Certificates   []FCertificate   `json:"certificates,omitempty" yaml:",omitempty"`
   CACertificates []FCACertificate `json:"ca_certificates,omitempty" yaml:"ca_certificates,omitempty"`

   PluginConfigs map[string]kong.Configuration `json:"_plugin_configs,omitempty" yaml:"_plugin_configs,omitempty"`

继续关注调用 Diff、Sync 的方法:

func (n *KongController) onUpdateDBMode(targetContent *file.Content) error {
	client := n.cfg.Kong.Client

    // 调用 Admin API 筛选 managed-by-conroller tag 下的
    // 所有资源,到 State
	// Get queries all the entities using client and returns
	// all the entities in KongRawState.
	rawState, err := dump.Get(client, dump.Config{
		SelectorTags: n.getIngressControllerTags(),
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Wrap(err, "loading configuration from kong")
    // Get builds a KongState from a raw representation of Kong.
	currentState, err := state.Get(rawState)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Get process the fileContent and renders a RawState.
	// IDs of entities are matches based on currentState.
	rawState, err = file.Get(targetContent, file.RenderConfig{
		CurrentState: currentState,
		KongVersion:  n.cfg.Kong.Version,
	if err != nil {
		return err
    // Get builds a KongState from a raw representation of Kong.
	targetState, err := state.Get(rawState)
	if err != nil {
		return err

    // Diff, Sync
	syncer, err := diff.NewSyncer(currentState, targetState)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.Wrap(err, "creating a new syncer")
	syncer.SilenceWarnings = true
	_, errs := solver.Solve(nil, syncer, client, n.cfg.Kong.Concurrency, false)
	if errs != nil {
		return deckutils.ErrArray{Errors: errs}
	return nil

dump.Get() 方法调用 Admin API 获取 managed-by-controller tag 下所有的资源,加载到内存。

该方法调用 decK 生成了 k8s 环境下的资源状态,和通过 Admin API 查询到的 Kong DB 里的资源状态,接下来会调用 decK 库进行 diff 和 sync,将创建 Kong DB 里没有的资源,删除 k8s 环境下没有的资源,同步更新 Kong 的资源。

2.5 ingress-nginx 分析

ingress-nginx 是 Kubernetes 的官方 Ingress Controller 项目,其 Controller 部署的启动逻辑与上文所述 Kong 的 Ingress Controller 基本一致,甚至后者部分代码是直接从 ingress-nginx Copy 过来的,代码里还残留着 NGINX 字样。

2.5.1 SSL Proxy 分析

ingress-nginx 提供了 SSL Passthrough 功能,使得加密流量直接通过 443 端口传到后端服务器,这里引用一篇文章清晰明了的解释。


svc7: 是对传统通信模型的“复现”,即 Client 与 Nginx 间采用 HTTPS 加密通信,但 Nginx 与 svc7 间则是明文的 HTTP 通信;

svc8: 是 ssl-termination 的安全配置模型,即 Client 与 svc8 的 HTTPS 通信分为“两段”,Client 与 Nginx 建立 HTTPS 连接后,Nginx 将 Client 提交的加密请求解密后,再向 svc8 发起 HTTPS 请求,并重新加密请求数据。这种 Client 端 SSL 的过程在反向代理或负载均衡器终结的 HTTPS 通信方式被称为“ssl-termination”。

svc9: 是 ssl-passthrough 的安全配置模型,即 Nginx 不会对 Client 的 HTTPS Request 进行解密,而是直接转发给 backend 的 svc9 服务,Client 端的 SSL 过程不会终结于 Nginx,而是在 svc9 对应的 Pod 中终结。这种 HTTPS 通信方式被称为”ssl-passthrough”。这种配置模型尤其适合 backend service 对 Client 端进行 client certificate 验证的情况,同时也降低了 Nginx 加解密的性能负担。

Ingress Controller 启动时如果有 --enable-ssl-passthrough 参数则内部 Go 程序占用 443 端口提供代理功能。

	// Controller 中判断是否启用 ssl 透传
	if n.cfg.EnableSSLPassthrough {

func (n *NGINXController) setupSSLProxy() {
	cfg :=
	sslPort := n.cfg.ListenPorts.HTTPS
	proxyPort := n.cfg.ListenPorts.SSLProxy

	klog.InfoS("Starting TLS proxy for SSL Passthrough")
	n.Proxy = &TCPProxy{
		Default: &TCPServer{
			Hostname:      "localhost",
			IP:            "",
			Port:          proxyPort,
			ProxyProtocol: true,

    // sslPort 为 443 端口
	listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", fmt.Sprintf(":%v", sslPort))
	if err != nil {
		klog.Fatalf("%v", err)

	// accept TCP connections on the configured HTTPS port
	go func() {
		for {
			var conn net.Conn
			var err error

			conn, err = listener.Accept()
			if err != nil {
				klog.Warningf("Error accepting TCP connection: %v", err)

			klog.V(3).InfoS("Handling TCP connection", "remote", conn.RemoteAddr(), "local", conn.LocalAddr())
			go n.Proxy.Handle(conn)

Nginx 在被 Go 程序占用 443 端口后,会在 proxyPort 端口(默认 442)上监听 HTTPS 请求。

生成 http 块下 server listen 的部分是这样的:

func httpsListener(addresses []string, co string, tc config.TemplateConfig) []string {
	out := make([]string, 0)
	for _, address := range addresses {
		lo := []string{"listen"}

		if tc.IsSSLPassthroughEnabled {
			if address == "" {
				lo = append(lo, fmt.Sprintf("%v", tc.ListenPorts.SSLProxy))
			} else {
				lo = append(lo, fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", address, tc.ListenPorts.SSLProxy))

			if !strings.Contains(co, "proxy_protocol") {
				lo = append(lo, "proxy_protocol")
		} else {
			if address == "" {
				lo = append(lo, fmt.Sprintf("%v", tc.ListenPorts.HTTPS))
			} else {
				lo = append(lo, fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", address, tc.ListenPorts.HTTPS))

		lo = append(lo, co)
		lo = append(lo, "ssl")

		if tc.Cfg.UseHTTP2 {
			lo = append(lo, "http2")

		lo = append(lo, ";")
		out = append(out, strings.Join(lo, " "))

	return out

通过传参渲染 Go 模板,最终生成的 http 块中其中一个 server 的示例。

启用 ssl passthrough 功能后,所有 443 流量经过 Go 程序处理,Nginx 上只监听 442 端口。

http {
   ## start server
	server {
		listen 80;
		listen 442 proxy_protocol ssl http2;
		location / {
			proxy_pass http://default-svc;
	## end server

内部的请求分发在 balancer_by_lua_block 块中调用 Lua 脚本处理,这里不做详细描述。

Go 程序通过读取请求前 4k 字节,解析出 SNI 域名,查找后端服务器。

/* This function is basically all most folks want to invoke out of this
 * jumble of bits. This will take an incoming TLS Client Hello (including
 * all the fuzzy bits at the beginning of it - fresh out of the socket) and
 * go ahead and give us the SNI Name they want. */
func GetHostname(data []byte) (string, error) {
	if len(data) == 0 || data[0] != 0x16 {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("Doesn't look like a TLS Client Hello")

	extensions, err := GetExtensionBlock(data)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	sn, err := GetSNBlock(extensions)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	sni, err := GetSNIBlock(sn)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	return string(sni), nil

如果没有找到对应的后端服务器(没有开启 SSL 透传功能),则传递到默认的 Nginx 442 端口,交给 Nginx 去处理 HTTPS 请求。

// Get returns the TCPServer to use for a given host.
func (p *TCPProxy) Get(host string) *TCPServer {
	if p.ServerList == nil {
		return p.Default

	for _, s := range p.ServerList {
		if s.Hostname == host {
			return s

	return p.Default


// Handle reads enough information from the connection to extract the hostname
// and open a connection to the passthrough server.
func (p *TCPProxy) Handle(conn net.Conn) {
	defer conn.Close()
	data := make([]byte, 4096)

	length, err := conn.Read(data)
	if err != nil {
		klog.V(4).ErrorS(err, "Error reading the first 4k of the connection")

	proxy := p.Default
	hostname, err := parser.GetHostname(data[:])
	if err == nil {
		klog.V(4).InfoS("TLS Client Hello", "host", hostname)
		proxy = p.Get(hostname)

	if proxy == nil {
		klog.V(4).InfoS("There is no configured proxy for SSL connections.")

	hostPort := net.JoinHostPort(proxy.IP, fmt.Sprintf("%v", proxy.Port))
	clientConn, err := net.Dial("tcp", hostPort)
	if err != nil {
	defer clientConn.Close()

	if err != nil {
		klog.ErrorS(err, "Error writing Proxy Protocol header")
	} else {
		_, err = clientConn.Write(data[:length])
		if err != nil {
			klog.Errorf("Error writing the first 4k of proxy data: %v", err)

	pipe(clientConn, conn)

func pipe(client, server net.Conn) {
	doCopy := func(s, c net.Conn, cancel chan<- bool) {
		io.Copy(s, c)
		cancel <- true

	cancel := make(chan bool, 2)

	go doCopy(server, client, cancel)
	go doCopy(client, server, cancel)

	select {
	case <-cancel:
